Nothing like a Wilderness Trip!

A thrill awaits the person who is willing to leave modern civilization behind and hike a few miles with his bed and board on his back. With the aid of lightweight equipment and dried foods, your bed can be almost as comfortable as being at home. Your meals can be mouth watering and your pack still light enough to be comfortable.

If your like myself, I have become discouraged with the camp grounds that have become so overcrowded and noisey. You never know who or what is going to pull into the spot beside you. If they will be partying all night or if they will become a nuisance that bothers you all the time with music playing, cars approaching shining their lights on you. Don’t forget security, I used to think that you were safer around people, not anymore. This world has gone nuts.

There is nothing like finding an isolated mountain side where you can pitch your tent or just your bedroll and gaze at the stars. The awe-inspiring stillness that surrounds you will have you wondering how the city people bare to live in a box with all the noise.

It doesn’t matter where you live, there are unspoiled areas in just about every state. Some may think, oh I could never just walk off into the wilderness and pitch my tent. It sounds dangerous. Well, If you live in a big city like Nashville or Chicago, you can get shot just taking out the trash. By rule, there are more people in the cities than in the wilderness and the wilderness is not nearly as dangerous.

There are trips for the skilled and adventurous camper and then you have many other places for the novice or for families with small children.

It doesn’t have to be complicated. If you have a van or truck with a camper top, just get an air mattress and a good sleeping bag and you’ll be fine. Make sure and pack some rain gear and a change of clothes (like socks and underwear).

You might want to put together a small cooking kit, so when you want that morning coffee ( and there is nothing taste better than fresh coffee or a meal cooked by the camp fire.) Make sure you have an ax or hatchet for chopping some wood and other things. Always take a first aid kit, too.

Camping cane be strenuous on some folks but what a pleasure it is to breath fresh air and have some quiet time in God’s great masterpiece. Listen to the animals and the sounds of the forest, you might just learn something about yourself.

The memories that you and your family will make will be something that no one will ever forget. A little time away from technology and people can renew your spirit. It also may change the attitude of some and making the family a tighter group. You will see the wild animals in their home, watching them and observing their actions can be a great learning tool for younger kids.

I hope you spend some time out in nature while your able too and enjoy what God has made for us.

Thanks for your time, and I’ll catch you down the trail.

Ricky Cooper

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