Old Fashioned Mountain Medicine
By: Rick Cooper If your like myself, growing up in a time when grandma always had a remedy for what ailed ya. She didn’t go to the doctor much, maybe that’s why she only lived […]
Preserving the Legacy of God's Great Outdoors
By: Rick Cooper If your like myself, growing up in a time when grandma always had a remedy for what ailed ya. She didn’t go to the doctor much, maybe that’s why she only lived […]
Ever wonder why we love the outdoors and Hunting? Let me give you a little history. Around 1661 a couple of French-Canadian men, traveled the Ottawa river, from Quebec to the point they crossed over […]
By: Rick Cooper If you ask some of the older folks, you may hear them say, Easter was Yesterday! What Easter, is Not about: Easter , is not about Big fluffy bunnies, egg hunts or […]
By Rick Cooper There probably was never a man’s who’s character has been exploited more than Captain Jack Slade. Described as The Jekyl and Hyde of the old west. Jack, born in Illinois in January […]
By Rick Cooper If you turn on You tube today, you will find many a video teaching fire-making tricks. Everything from how to use Fatwood to Petroleum Jelly soaked into cotton balls. When we walk […]
Christmas is a holiday that is widely celebrated by people in most every nation. But, if back in the day and possibly even today, if you found yourself in a country that was not your […]
If you believe everything the media and our government says, then there isn’t anything to worry about. Right? I think we all know better. While doing some research, I ran across an interesting story about […]
By Rick cooper To me, it was the ideal place. A place where we were always welcome. A place if we had no where to sleep that was always a welcoming home. Grannys wwasn’t a […]
Sometimes, the situation that we find ourselves in could have been avoided if we had practiced a little common sense. If we would just slow down and think things through, with honest moral reasoning. We […]
Christmas, a joyful time of Peace, Lights and Snow if your lucky. Today, Christmas has become too commercilized some believe. i’m not going to say their totaly wrong. People get so caught up in buying […]