The Deer woods May Be Crowded, This Year!

Deer Hunters that are planning on hunting Public Land, may want to have a backup plan or two for this hunting season. I mean if you have a favorite location you had better get there early and stay late. If you don’t, you may find another hunter has already got there ahead of you.

If you are lucky enough to have Private land to hunt, watch out for tresspassers, with this Covid-19 pandemic folks are out and about.

The Covid-19 pandemic has changed everyone’s regular routine. With kids out of school and some jobs not being esential, and the weather having been pretty good folks are heading outside to get some fresh air and trying not to think about how it seems the world is coming to an end.

There has been a large increase in boating registrations and fishing license sales have been through the roof. I am sure you have seen the empty shelves and heard the stories at your local bait shop how the bait shops merchandise has been on back order now for months it seems like.

The wildlife agency has stated that they have seen an increase of public land use statewide. Hunting and fishing participation has been on a downward slide it seems for the last 10 years, but with the pandemic affecting all of us (remember the tv commercials by the over paid professional athletes) weve all been in this together.

the point I am trying to make is, with more hunters in the woods come deer season you may want to be a little more cautious. Wear your orange and get there early. Also, remember if you find someone in your stand (on public land) don’t take the chance that you or someone else could get hurt or worse. Try being diplomatic about the situation. Who knows, you just might have found a new hunting buddy.

God Bless and Good Luck

Ricky Cooper

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