Why is Crappie, Called The Family Fish ?

Crappie is family fish.
Some fish are aristocrats.
They seem to have been created to test the skill and patience of experienced anglers. To make them rise early in the morning, blow their savings on equipment and prove that fishing is not for the amateur,
But, not the crappie.

This obliging fish is completely unlike his snobbish
game fish cousins. He’s a family fish, a lovable character who will pass up a fancy lure for the humble offering of a youngster. Although a dainty
diner, he always is hungry, And he’s available in such numbers that rarely does a crappie fisherman go back to the dock empty handed.

The crappie is a pan fish. He’s a respectable fighter on light tackle, but he’s mainly noted for his food qualities. Both the black and white
crappie are warm water fish, preferring deep lakes as a habitat.
Usually they can be found in 10 to 20 feet of water, but in
the spring they move into and around clumps of brush or submerged trees, and, if you don’t get a bite, move on to another similar spot.

The average weight of the crappie is less than a pound, but in southern and mid-western lakes a three-pounder is no rarity. In this weight class, the crappie can put a bend in a rod and create quite a ruckus before he’s boated. But, don’t “horse” him. A crappie has a tender mouth, and hooks will pull out if too much pressure is applied.

Crappie tackle needn’t be fancy. A spinning rig works well, but an old-fashioned cane pole and bobber is equally as good. Actually, when fishing
around a submerged brush pile a cane pole is best.
Any small lure will take crappie, but for dawn-to-dusk action, have a bucket of minnows in the boat.

There’s no doubt about it, the crappie is sociable. This is the fish that will please mom and bring squeals of joy out of the kids.

That’s why Crappie, is called a family fish.

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