Fall is For Outdoors

Comes the Tang of autumn, and the area’s best hiking and outdoor weather is upon us.

To some of us the long for clean crisp area of the mountains that surround Tennessee, the urge to be outdoors is nearly irresistible. Even if your not a hiker, its a great time for hunting and camping. the lures the outdoors offers this time of year are hard to beat.

Who can say no to the sizzle of bacon frying over a campfire, the pleasure of tramping through the woods or the sudden thrill of the wild animals scurrying about.

This is just some of the reasons that I enjoy the outdoors. Other things like spectacular Mountain views, rocky bluffs and large open forests that have beautiful mountain streams.

I would venture to say that wherever you go in the mountains of Tennessee, you are walking on what I like to call sacred ground. Many battles of war were fought, either during the Civil War or with Indians. The heritage of the mountains is something that I never take for granted. Like the Longhunters that came through the cumberland Gap from the coastal states.

I had the privalige of growing up in the mountains of East Tennessee and when I get the chance to go back, I always see something new or I’m reminded of something so beautiful.

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