Things a New Outdoorsman should Remember

By: Rick Cooper

The Woodsman, who has garnered some skill in bush-craft has been said that he doesn’t need a compass. because he can get the sense of direction on the cloudest day or on a moon-less night by the touch of the bark on a tree. He may even sometimes use the leaning direction of a bush. The heat of the sun and the stiff northern winds push trees and bushes to the south he says.

This can be noticed in the tall lanky trees standing in an open meadow. It has been said that the bark on the North side of trees is thicker and rougher than on the South side of trees. On Oak trees and Maples to name a few, moss grows on the north side, forming a coat against the cold winter weather.

The sap inside trees , warmed by the sun and in the spring sugar maker’s tap the maples on the south side or wherever the sun can hit on the frozen trees to retrieve the sweetness.

A outdoorsman would be wise to remember not to run into the woods in an attempt to seek shelter under tall trees during a thunderstorm. If caught in the woods during a thunderstorm, seek low lying shelter or a cave, maybe even a rock cliff to get under, just remember that dry creek beds may become raging river during a down pour.

Usually, Hickory and Oak trees are abundant throughout the forest and don’t usually form in groves. A large Oak tree is awesome place to find shade. The limbs are usually large (if the tree has some age on it) and spread from the base stretching out for several feet, making ample shade.

If you should find yourself in a Pine thicket, there is usually very little undergrowth. The trees are so close together that the ground dry right after a good rain. The pine needles also make a good bed. It’s also good to remember that snakes frequent these areas less because of the lack of place’s to hide from predator’s

Poison Ivy, usually grows in damp ground along stone walls or large rocks though it has been found on older trees in a thick woods. The leaves grow in threes’ Poison Ivy, may be difficult for a new-comer to identify, so just stay clear of any vine-like leaves.

Wild animals know by instinct when a hunter is in their woods. Squirrels and birds are one of the best security alarms for the entire forest of animals.

If you should find yourself lost in the woods and not sure which way is home, the best thing to do is find a clearing, build a campfire to keep away wild animals and also to help possible searchers to locate you. Then just get some rest and attempt to calm your nerves and wait till daylight. If a search party is out looking for you, they may possibly see your fire or smell the smoke from it. If you are in the company of strangers and lost, the fire will give you light enough to keep track of everyone in the party over night. When daylight comes, the sun can be used as a guide and you can possible find your way home. It has been said that if you attempt to travel at night, you may find yourself walking in circles.

Usually, thick undergrowth, is near a water source, Springs and streams that are fast moving may be safe to drink from, stagnant ponds or pools of water usually are not safe to drink before either filtering or boing first. If you find no other source than a stagnant pool of water, you should attempt to filter the water before drinking. Even if it’s just through a cloth like a handkerchief or a shirt.

A large percentage of people have lost their lives because they lost their heads. However hopeless the situation looks, attempt to keep your wits about you. If you have planned it right, someone knows your lost or didn’t return on time and with a little diy engineering, you can make it easier for them to find you. Remember not to get apprehensive, and start thinking the end is near, keep your wits.

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