Through The Portals

Through the Portals, We must pass through a door before we can stand in the Presence of Nature.

Our topic designates as God’s beautiful outdoors and that reminds us of those wonderful words of Christ. I am the door, by me, if any man enter he shall be saved and shall go in and out and find pasture.

When we cross the threshold we see the shinning sun and it speaks to us of the Son of Righteousness. It reminds us of his cheering words, I am the light of the world, and he that follow me shall have the light of life.

We see the stream flowing through the meadow and we hear His words, I am the water of life. If any man drink of the water that I shall give him he shall never thirst again.

Walking along it’s banks, we see the flowers and beauty and we know Christ is there, for he said I am the rose of Sharon and the lilly of the valleys.

From the meadow we enter the fields of waving corn and we are reminded of the loving words, I am the bread of life, If any man eat of the bread that I shall give him he shall never be hungry.

We leave the cultivated fields and reach the cliffs and sit down for a rest upon the rocks. There come the words, I am the Chief Corner Stone. Rested, we move on and enter the woods and think of the tree of life which bares fruits and the leaves of the tree were the healing of nations

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