All human devices, with the exception of the wheel are found in nature.
Birds beasts or fish had them before they were invested by man. The file the anchor the rails and grooves of guidance, dovetailing and many manual instruments all have counterparts in nature.
The grasshopper has the torpedo tube for planting it’s eggs deeply in bark or earth. The cuttlefish’s outer skin is buckled about it’s throat by a system of snaps such as we use on gloves. Your elbow was the original hinge, your heart the original pump.
The wheel is our only invention, that is not found in nature. Mountaineers might tell of the hoop snake, which is said to put it’s tail in it’s mouth and roll downhill.
One of man’s first inventions was the net for catching fish. The idea may have come from a spider web.
Flexible armor was copied from the scales of a fish. The early catacomb dwellers probably learned their architecture from the ant. The beaver taught man bridge building.
All human inventions come from studying and copying nature.
Nature is such a perfect inventor, that it keeps it’s inventions ahead of the requirements of life.
Some scientists believe that life develops by chance, that it’s evolution is mechanical and aimless, unguided by a supreme intelligence.
SO that brings us to the question? Why are we here on earth? Why do we live?
For some, there is no answer. But, the more science investigates the more it is won over to the theological or spiritual belief that we and all other forms of life are here on earth for a definite purpose. That purpose is preparatory to something later, beyond the grave.